Friday 16 April 2010

The base oft the Pillar - a strange addition

At the base of the pillar of truth there is a strange extension which would appear to be ornamentation on the pillar. I suspect this is not allegoric, but at the first level, a sort of signature or self-portrait of the artist. There is a huge mouth at the base level, capable of a grin but going the other way. In 1536 or so Michelangelo did a self-portrait in his picture of the last judgement (in much the same position relative to the whole) and in Holbein’s picture of Christina of Denmark (1539) he has discernibly presented himself (again on the lower right hand side) in the folds of her dress. We may have a clue here to the painter, but if this is what is going on, we have left behind the allegorical meaning of things and come to a literal level.

Further scrutiny of what appear to be two feet protruding from the base of the column suggested the tomb of a knight.

I looked into the visor of the knight and to my astonishment saw a newborn baby, eyes and nose, looking up.

My mind at the time was following the motto of Mary Tudor “Truth, the daughter of time” and so, being pious, I thought what we were dealing with is Jesus, Christmas. Prof. J.J.Scarisbrick suggested it was Edward Vl, born 1537. His mother died giving birth and Mary Tudor was the chief mourner. He is on the side of orthodoxy being baptized. He is male and legitimate and so supplants Mary Tudor in his claim to the throne, whatever her status.

I think one of the signs that one is reading a secret correctly, is the element of surprise: one is seeing what one does not expect to see.

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