Saturday 6 March 2010

Archtectonics - a series of articles about the allegories seen in this painting

One of the decorations on the main pillar appears to be a serpent. One could think of Eve, but I recalled the quotation of Christ, be as wise as a serpent and as innocent as doves. The serpent was thought to keep its life by keeping its head. 50 I set out looking for doves - one of the decorations could be a multitude of dove wings. The other decorations appear to be broken bread rolls and vine leaves - Eucharistic symbolism. In a letter to Timothy, 5t Paul describes the place where God dwells with man, The Church, as the pillar and bulwark of the truth.
Could the physical pillar then be representing Christian truth as it formed Christian society in a day by day and week by week way in the late middle ages - perhaps before that world had broken irrevocably into Reformed churches set against the Church of the Counter Reformation?
If this column was a symbol, might the other columns and structures also be symbolic so that the five structures each have a distinct significance and we have an allegory in paint?
The allegory then would express the artist's mind, his vision of the times he lived in, the cure for its problems, unless of course, he was under instruction from someone else.

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